A Mouth Full of Poison – a nationwide campaign to ban amalgam
fillings in New Zealand
The human body’s tolerance level is for 8 mercury amalgam
surfaces for a 70kg adult and a mere 2 surfaces for children. I
had over 40 in my mouth….
- It is scientifically proven that mercury
is the most poisonous natural, non-radioactive, substance
on our planet.
- Mercury is far more toxic than any
of the other heavy metals, including arsenic, lead and cadmium.
- Mercury amalgam is considered hazardous
waste after it has been removed. Who can conclusively say
safe in between, when it is in our bodies!
An article published in 2006 by Northland &
Bay of Plenty Environmental Health Clinics, Science & Chemistry
Departments states:
“In a group of 465 patients diagnosed as having chronic
mercury toxicity, 32.3% had severe fatigue, 88.8% had memory loss
and 27.5% had depression.”
The toxic effect from my mercury amalgam fillings
caused debilitating chronic fatigue for nine years of my life.
Mercury is constantly being released from amalgam
24 hours a day. It is released as vapour and swallowed as droplets.
Every time you chew, have a hot drink or brush your teeth the amount
of mercury released is dramatically increased. The mercury vapour
is absorbed through the lungs and within seconds deposited in the
brain, heart, kidneys as well as all the other organs.
Mercury is the metal found in greatest concentrations
in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. The brains of most
people who have died with Alzheimer’s senile dementia have
abnormally high levels of mercury in the areas concerned with memory.
There are a million New Zealand adults averaging
15 amalgam fillings. The published scientific research has shown
that there is a definite risk of many thousands of the adult New
Zealand population developing Alzheimer’s senile dementia
within the next 10 to 20 years.
There is definitely opposition to mercury amalgam
from other parts of the world:
- Since 1991 the Swedish Government pays 70% of the cost of removing
amalgam fillings from its citizens.
- Currently four countries have banned the use of amalgam fillings:
Sweden, Canada, Norway and Denmark.
10 years ago a Canadian TV documentary on amalgam
revealed that a ‘shelved’ 1976 Health Department investigation
of amalgam’s safety had concluded that “amalgam
was toxic and it was fortunate that the public did not know”.
This revelation resulted in a wave of public anger that became what
could be the largest legal class action in the country’s history.
The public are suing the Government and the whole dental establishment
for mercury poisoning.
Worldwide news recently, a lawsuit in Amercia
has given The Food & Drug Association until July 2009 to classify
mercury amalgam. Currently more than half of all American dentists
are now mercury free. WHY NOT NZ?
You see, dentistry says amalgam is fine because
it has been in use for 150 years. This statement makes no scientific
sense. We have abandoned all other remnants of pre Civil War medicine
and we have abandoned all other uses of mercury.
If your health deteriorates because of the mercury leaking from
your fillings, not only will you spend significantly more money
on medical care, but your ability to love and enjoy life to the
fullest could be diminished substantially.
After my articles appeared in the NZ Women’s
Weekly and Suburban Newspapers, many people who had been affected
by mercury amalgam toxicity contacted me. Notably, a number of people
are concerned at the lack of awareness of mercury toxicity shown
by their GP and specialists during the years of prior investigations
and attempts at treatment.
To bring this to the attention of New Zealand,
I am focusing on finding sponsors for the biggest cycle race in
New Zealand, ‘The Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge’ on 29th
November. I intend to personally challenge four celebrities to relay
the 160km course. Athlete Allison Roe heads the celebrities with
MP Metiria Turei a keen team member (still have two to find).
MP Sue Kedgley is setting up a press conference
for early January to submit my petition to Parliament.
I am currently working with TVNZ ‘Close
Up’ on a story of a lady currently suffering the effects of
mercury toxicity. This will be featured in approximately six months.
Copyright © Juliet Pratt 2008
Please contact me (Juliet) for information or
to sign a petition.