Juliet Pratt Speaker Auckland  

"I really enjoyed your talk at Wisdom last Monday night, especially the kick boxing. I ‘m very interested in the class you go to in Papatoetoe. We had a very traumatic event happen to my niece’s two girls, one 17 and one 12. (They were abducted at Manukau City and the 17 year old raped, this happened in June.). I’ve been talking to them about the impression Kickboxing made on me, and they are keen to try it. Would it be suitable for the 12 year old? To me, it seemed that anger could be expressed safely through kickboxing, and we all have a lot of anger to express.

Juliet, please tell me if you think that this class would not be suitable for the girls; they are strong girls, they have their good days and bad days, and we are careful to emphasise that they are not victims, I would hate to suggest something that is not suitable, but your talk made a huge impression on me, and I would like them to try it."

- Trish Cleary
Business Woman


Speaking Links

Critical Illness Insurance Centre Conference 6-8th April 2009 Montreal Canada www.criticalinsurance.org

The MDRT Speakers Bureau is a listing of well-respected MDRT members from around the world who speak on a variety of topics. These MDRT members have been carefully screened to make sure they represent the best caliber of MDRT member speaker. You may search for a speaker based on topic, name, or geographic location. www.mdrt.org

National Speakers New Zealand
NSANZ is an association for people who work as professional speakers. NSANZ takes good speakers and provides them with the opportunities, knowledge and training to become great speakers. ww.nationalspeakers.org.nz

Financial Links

The Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT), The Premier Association of Financial Professionals, is an international, independent association of more than 35,000 members, or less than 1 percent, of the world's most successful life insurance and financial services professionals from 476 companies in 76 nations and territories. www.mdrt.org

AXA's products are distributed via professional financial advisers throughout the country to provide investment, insurance, retirement and savings solutions to meet your needs. That makes AXA a winning combination of global strength and local knowledge - working for you. www.axa.co.nz

Institute of financial Advisers
The professional body for financial planners, insurance advisers and investment advisers. The Institute is an industry leader, representing over 1400 financial advisers throughout New Zealand. www.fpia.org.nz

Health Links

Quecksilber the strange story of dental amalgam
preview of a one hour fully referenced documentary about the enormous danger of mercury from dental amalgam. View here >>

A Mouth Full of Poison - a nationwide campaign to ban amalgam fillings in New Zealand. www.womenz.co.nz

Moms Against Mercury is dedicated to raising awareness while  educating the public of the dangerous use of Thimerosal, a mercury based preservative, used in vaccines and the flu shot. www.momsagainstmercury.org

Consumers for Dental Choice (CDC) purpose is to educate the public about the health and environmental dangers of mercury fillings, and to ensure more effective government oversight on amalgam. www.toxicteeth.org

Charlie Brown, National Counsel, Consumers for Dental Choice, interviewed by CN8, the regional news for CNN in New Jersey - September 2008

Mercury Free Now is your #1 source of information about mercury
amalgam fillings and mercury detoxification. www.mercuryfreenow.com

The Smoking Teeth Video: http://iaomt.org/videos/

Juliet Pratt Speaker Auckland

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